Two T-Squares, Mercury Direct & A Grand Trine

Published: Mon, 09/19/16

We have a grand trine in the earth signs today:  Moon, Mercury and Pluto. Enjoy the comfort and stability this brings because once it breaks up, it's going to be a hectic week.

For one thing, we've got two T-squares in the mutable signs.

First, we have the Sun in Virgo squaring Mars in Sagittarius and opposing Chiron in Pisces.  Some are trying to do good with this... others can't seem to heal and so they lash out.  Any way you turn it, it's not an easy situation.

Secondly, Mercury is at 14 degrees Virgo squaring Saturn in Sagittarius, opposing Neptune in Pisces.  This combination is particularly taut and amplified because Mercury is stationing and will turn direct on Thursday. The Moon will be in Gemini at that time.  She'll complete the grand cross which is likely to further exasperate people and things.

Read about Mercury and his frenemies here - Mercury Direct - Rough Go.  This way you'll know what you're in for.

Personally, I've noticed my mind wandering. If you're as sick of this as I am, things should begin to clarify within a week.

I know that sounds like a long time to anyone who is struggling...but it's a mind trick. A week is nothing in the scheme of things!

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