All Saints Day

Published: Mon, 10/31/16

The Sun, Moon and Mercury are in Scorpio today. How appropriate for Halloween, prelude to All Saints Day, to be celebrated around the world on Tuesday.

I especially like the tight trine to Neptune in Pisces. Spiritual channels are particularly open at this time. We feel the energy of those who have passed before us. It can inspire and empower us. 

This is also the time to honor the dead. With a packed eighth house, I have special interest in this subject.

I have two close female friends who died in their 20's. I can't imagine who I would be right now, without the help and guidance they gave me. They really influenced my life.

For whatever reason, I survived and they did not. I often think about how I carry their legacy.  It's up to me to pass their wisdom on.

I can't tell you how many times I've talk to a client and hang up thinking, "That was, Sicily, talking." She's one of my friends who have passed.  She was a Libra with her moon, part of  a stellium in Scorpio. She was insightful and sophisticated.

A good part of my knowledge comes from the dead. Not just my dead friends or family, but dead authors, dead customers, dead neighbors, you name it.

You might want to think about the people who have bequeathed you their energy in some form.  Also, if you're interested in this kind of thing, you can search "funeral customs" on my blog.  This should get you started on some interesting reading.

In whatever case, don't be surprised if you're touched by someone's spirit, today...or if someone touches yours.

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Have a great day,