Astrology Mixed Bag

Published: Mon, 05/30/16

Being fairly mutable, I don't have a set method of writing these letters. I do write them ahead though. I tend to look at a chart of the sky and see what occurs to me. I take it from there.

Today the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are all part of a Mutable Grand Cross. This spells V-A-R-I-E-T-Y to me.

I thought I'd align with the energy by offering you choices! I think this is a good way to set an example (Saturn) of this kaleidoscope type energy.

First, for those who don't know, I keep a (free) transit calendar on my blog. It's a super pain - seriously - but it's one of those things that are just worth doing, if for no other reason than I am the only one in the world who does. Free Calendar To Keep Track Of Important Transits.

Next, there was a lot of interest in the Asteroid Report. People really love that report. They emailed me about it.

I wound up directing many of them to my friend and colleague Satori's writing about the asteroids. She's a great writer with a deep understanding of this topic. Check her out if you wish - Tag- Asteroids

We also have a forum on the blog. There is a diverse, troll-free group there, open and welcoming to newcomers.  You're allowed to post your chart and ask questions or discuss anything you want there. The only rule is that you not be a jerk. The forum has been around for about five years. It's always been interesting.  I think it's even more valuable now, because you can post there using a screen name (as opposed to Facebook).  You have a lot more freedom.

People who read this letter often have no idea I do consulting. I've been consulting for decades. You can schedule a personal reading here.

I also answer questions (about life or astrology) when people ask them. This is a free service I've offered for ten years now. It's not meant to be a way to have your chart analyzed in depth.  But if you have some burning question and you want my ideas or opinion on it, you can ask.  I am sometimes slow, but I answer almost every question sent.

It's best if you keep it short.  These questions (and answers) are posted on my blog. People prefer to read something concise. I also really like people to include their city or country or some location with their question. I just enjoy knowing that it's a Canadian asking or someone from India or Alaska or Honduras or wherever.

It's the worldwide (Jupiter) quality of the internet that's most compelling to me. I like being reminded my work is read and appreciated around the world.

Last, this is my favorite page on my entire blog. All Astrology Topics. I've tagged every post I've written a dozen years. Poke around and you'll be amazed at what you come across.

I hope you enjoy these links.

Have a good, communicative, and varied day!
