Your Mystery Enemy

Published: Wed, 05/25/16

The Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto today. Luckily she's supported by Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury in Taurus.  Yep, that's our grand trine in earth.

Meanwhile the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune make up a mutable grand cross. Here's how that works out...

I have a client, a Gemini with a Sagittarius Moon. He's caught in the grand cross. He's been trying to pass a certification test for weeks and weeks now.

For the longest time, no one could understand what the problem was. He's good at his job. His colleagues like him; his clients like him; his boss likes him; and his boss's boss likes him. How come he keeps flunking this test, hmm?

It turns out the woman doing the grading does not like him. He can't pass because she doesn't want him to pass. No one knows why.  But it's become obvious she'd like to see him destroyed.

The Mystery (Neptune) Enemy (Mars) blocks (Saturn) his progress (Jupiter) which costs him (Venus).  But in the meantime he has phenomenal support as well.

All those people I listed above are standing for him, along with his friends and family. Even his astrologer stands for him. But when he asks me for the final outcome, I can't give a solid, positive answer. Because fact is, sometimes a person gets screwed over at work. No good can come from denying this.

Most of us are in some circumstance like this in our own life.  Something important to us is out of bounds on what we can control. We just have to have faith that it'll end well, eventually.

Schedule your consultation here. 

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