Mouths On Fire; Love In Bloom

Published: Mon, 09/12/16

Mars in Sagittarius squares the Sun and Mercury in Virgo over the next few days. Don't be surprised if someone tries to shove their point of view down your throat.

I bet it pissed a lot of you off just to read that.  If so, this illustrates how this energy is likely to play. You read or hear (Mercury) something that makes you mad (Mars).

If you like to argue, now's the time. Everyone else can sit back and watch the show.  And it will be a show - the Sun adds drama.

On another front, Jupiter is in Libra now. I feel marvelous. I feel hopeful too. Not just for myself but for others.

This is because I've had a slew of clients show up with some kind of love story.  Doors to relationships are opening all over the place.

These relationships are likely to be beneficial.  It's downright exciting for a person like me who loves partnering and social interaction.

Read more here - Love Story. See if you can look to the horizon in your life and spy something big and good, positive and wonderful.

I'm serious now. Opportunities to connect are out there at this time.

Also, heads up, there's a challenging Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on Friday. Details here.

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Have a great day,