Your Part In The Drama

Published: Fri, 09/09/16

I'll be glad to see Jupiter leave Virgo for Libra today. The mutable T-square has created stress, confusion and delay for many.

Imagine a traffic jam in the middle of the freeway. Jupiter represents a bus in the pileup.  When the bus is towed off, the road may still be blocked, but you can see the progress.

You may not feel the progress today as the Moon is in Sagittarius and part of the T-square. But she'll move on, over the weekend.  I'd move on with her if you can.

If you have personal planets at the mid-degrees of the mutable signs (8-24 degrees), you may still be caught in this fog. If you don't, you can probably move out, helping not just yourself but others.

It's like leaving a concert, a football game or some other large event. Some people get out first, and when they do, it's easier for others to maneuver.

I'm not talking about leaving people to suffer in pain. I'm talking about seeing an off-ramp and taking it, because your part in the drama has ended. You're no longer involved.

Last - Venus in Libra squares Pluto, exact, early Sunday morning.  Get the crisp, concise details here - Effects.

Have a great weekend,