What To Expect Post The Full Moon In Sagittarius

Published: Mon, 06/20/16

By the time you open this the full moon in Sagittarius will have peaked.  The full moon took place at 29 degrees of the sign which means the moon will ingress into Capricorn early in the morning, giving us a serious start to the work week.

That aside, we have a Mutable Grand Cross in effect through Thursday.  There is no escaping this. It will dominate the next four days.

This is nothing to be afraid of. Knowledge is power - this energy is easy to work with.

The grand cross involves Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.  Saturn and Neptune are retrograde so the first thing to do is rely on your faith (Neptune) and patience (Saturn).  Outside of that, expect a lot of variety, juggling and running here and there.

For example, I have two consultations today, one on the phone and one via email. Chances are I will have another consultation today, on short notice.

I have an appointment with my doctor to get my bone scan results. I have to drive to town for that. I need to stop at Lowes, the grocery store and I should stop and pick up some wine. I need to call a plumber for a problem we've not been able to solve...though I will probably need to do that on another one of these four days. 

It's not been raining much here, so I better get out there and drag a hose out towards our grapes and a young plum tree. I will have to carry the water in a five-gallon bucket. I also have to keep watch on a crock of kraut we made, to make sure it doesn't dry out.

You can see that none of this is particular difficult. Matter of fact, these are all things I like to do. But note the variety and need to morph from hour to hour or even minute to minute.  I bet you have a similar week, especially if you have planets in the mid-degrees of the mutable signs. 

Just get it done, as they say. This situation won't last forever. It provides a chance to get  a myriad to things done in a short period of time.

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