Get Your New Start Under This Anti-Sheep Sky

Published: Mon, 04/11/16

With the Sun in Aries conjunct Uranus, many are up to something new. They're experimenting or reinventing themselves in some way. People want a new start!

The trine from Mars in Sagittarius to Venus in Aries will support any effort you make to innovate or act independently.  

Clinging, at the moment, is completely out of vogue. So is Follow The Leader.

If you have planets in Cardinal signs, other than Aries (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), you might feel a bit unnerved with so much occurring outside your control.  The best was to deal with this is to focus on self-control. Miyagi in Karate Kid comes to mind.

We've also got a Grand Trine in Earth and Mutable T-square. However, these influences will be static over the next couple months. Based on this, I'd work with the Aries energy in the near term.

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