The (Great) Period Between The New Moon In Aries & The Full Moon In Scorpio This Month

Published: Fri, 04/08/16

I had a client ask me about the period between yesterday's new moon in Aries and the full moon in Scorpio on April 22nd. This was an unusual request.

In order to comply, I printed charts of the sky every 4-5 days, understanding that for the most part just the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars would be moving all that much. I thought I might see something though, like looking at one of the picture flip books that tell a story as the pages fly by?

This is exactly what happened. I noticed that Mercury, Venus and Mars do not change signs during this time frame. That right there shows some leveling off after the intense upheaval most of us have been through over the last couple weeks.

Better yet, Venus (in Aries) and Mars (in Sagittarius) will trine each other for the next two weeks.

Meanwhile, Mercury will be stable in Taurus, part of a grand trine involving Jupiter and Pluto.  That's some serious support right there.

Generally speaking, look for men and women to get along and communications to make more sense than they have recently with all the stress to Mercury.

If reading this doesn't help, please read it again. It's been a very difficult period lately. We need this peace.

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