If Fire Ain't Your Thing...

Published: Wed, 04/06/16

The Moon and Venus have joined the Sun and Uranus in Aries as of this morning.  Expect people to be hopped up as we head into this Nutty New Moon!

​​​​​​​Mars squares the Moon and Venus. Pluto squares the Sun. This is a lot of intensity, but if FIRE ain't your thing, there are other options.

Independent of those who may be raging, we also have the mutable T-square to play with.  

This is like being in Vegas on the weekend of a big boxing match. While many are interested in sitting ringside at the fight, there are others who couldn't care less about it.

If you're in the latter camp, you can enter this other realm by learning (Saturn) from a story (Jupiter) or subtly (Neptune) changing your perspective (Jupiter).

This short anecdote should help: Teacher Or Student?

If you are into fiery challenge - may victory be yours!

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Have a great day,