Looking Ahead, Post The Full Moon In Scorpio

Published: Fri, 04/22/16

Things remain taut post yesterday's full moon in Scorpio. Something is getting to everyone...
  • The Sun is still opposing the Moon.
  • Venus is exactly conjunct Uranus today, squaring Pluto.
  • We still have the mutable t-square that's dogging people with planets in the mid-degrees of the mutable signs, nearly to the breaking point.
We still have a grand trine in earth, but it's weak at this point as Mercury is moving out of orb.

Mercury will move out of orb next week, but not for long. The planet will turn retrograde on Thursday and move back into orb.

That's nice, says Libra. But you still have to get all your shopping done and your contracts signed, if at all possible.

This is going to be a kind of oddball Mercury retrograde period because of the aspects.  Get the details here - Mercury Retrograde - Gemini Will Hate This.

As for Saturday, the Moon will still be in Scorpio opposite Taurus Mercury.

Sunday the Moon will enter Sagittarius playing nice with the Aries energy:  go, go, go!

If it's making you crazy, save your sanity. I understand this energy deeply and you can do the same - Staying Stable As Structures Dissolve.

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Have a great day,