This Edition - Special To Scorpio

Published: Mon, 04/18/16

This is a big week for Scorpio. I want to address this in a way that's understated.

First, Scorpio-ruler Pluto turned retrograde this morning. Co-ruler Mars turned retrograde yesterday.

Further, there is an astonishing full moon in Scorpio on Thursday.

To sum up the week, think about jamming on the brakes as the lights come on.

This is going to be big, but people aren't going to say much. Probably because what happens will be none of your business!

Read about the retrogrades.

And the Sexy Full Moon (at midnight).

Expect Scorpio to be occupied... or preoccupied. Everyone else will be deeply moved, because the Scorpios out there have considerable power that can't be denied.

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Have a great day,
