Ranting For Or Against, Donald Trump!

Published: Wed, 04/13/16

It irks people when astrology contradicts itself. However, life and people are complicated. It would be hard to find something purely good or bad.

We have a grand trine in earth right now and a trine between Venus and Saturn. Over the next few days, the Moon will enjoy considerable support, off and on.

I've also mentioned that Venus, Mercury and Mars will not change signs over the next couple of weeks. Taken together, this describes a stable period where a person might be able to get their act together.

Problem is, we've got this mutable T-square all summer long.

It could be worse. At least Jupiter is involved. But this T-square is throwing people for a loop. It's the Saturn Neptune component that's driving people right up a wall. I can't say that I blame them. Everywhere we look things are fake, unreal, surreal and confusing.

I'll give you an example...

I follow this guy on Twitter for his epic rants. He started ranting for Donald Trump back in June 2015. He then turned and started ranting against him a couple months ago.

I was confused by this, right up until he started ranting FOR Trump a few weeks later. He's now ranting against him.

Now it's easy to say just look away. But sometimes when you ignore things... well, termites can eat your house, can't they? It's a quandary.

The Saturn Neptune combo creates a lot of anxiety. People with planets at the mid-degrees of the mutable signs are most affected. If you're struggling with this, check out my workshop: How To Stay Stable As Reality Morphs And Structure Dissolves. The workshop is cheaper than a personal consultation. It's 60 pages long, chock full of ideas and information that will absolutely help you.

I know! I have this combination natally and have studied it for decades!

Have a great day,