Lunar Eclipse in Libra! Ego-Fueled, Preachy Rage!

Published: Mon, 03/21/16

There's a lunar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday. Mercury (in Aries) is involved.  It definitely created conflict in my house. You can see details here -​​​​​​​ War Declared.

The scenario I described in that post will give you a good idea how this might play. You can also see a lot of bickering / side-picking in the comments. No offense to anyone, it's just instructive to look at and we love that!

We love an advantage, don't we?  Why else learn astrology? Why else subscribe to this letter if not to get a tactical advantage?  So we're heading into this fight and it will be between a cat and a dog, by the way. Funny, huh?  Maybe not so much.

I will say this; if you don't get sideways with someone at this time, it will be a minor miracle.

Closer in, Mars in Sagittarius trines the Sun in Aries today, so things are already heating up. You can use this energy by making an effort (Mars) outdoors (Sagittarius) in the sun.  You can also go on an ego-fueled, preachy rage.

Choices are great, aren't they?

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