Long; To Make Up For My Slackin'! Muscles & A Tow Chain

Published: Thu, 03/17/16

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 

I apologize for missing the first part of the week. I slid off the road, literally and figuratively, but I'm back on the job at this time.

First, the sale on my Finding Love With Astrology class
ends Sunday. If you're on the fence about this class, now's the time to bite.

I don't think I will ever have it this low again. Reason being, it's a great class that was hard to produce. Also, the results you should get from what you learn are pretty much priceless.

I don't mean this as a plug. I mean it as a favor. The price will be higher next week. I don't want people to write me and say, "What happened?!?"

Now, here's a cheat sheet to take you through till Monday...

Thursday - We've still got a slew of planets in water signs, namely the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Neptune.  Even if you're not in the soup, it's not been that bad with Jupiter and Pluto in earth signs to balance.

Yes, it's confusing. Especially the Republican primary! But this does not mean it's going to end badly. Same goes for your life.

My point is, faith is a strong play right now with six planets in Jupiter-ruled signs. Please try not to fall into the Virgo worry-hole. I don't think most situations will play out near as badly as you might fear.

Friday - The Sun, Moon and Mars form a grand trine in water/fire. If you are in some kind of swamp, this is when you'll probably get some traction. That or a hero may arrive with muscles and a tow chain.  So says my Venus conjunct the weekend's Moon in Leo!

But hey! Look for signs of spring. I'm pretty sure you'll see them... and tomorrow is even better.

Saturday - Today we have a true grand trine in fire involving the Moon in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. This screams play/work outside to me. Find me in my garden, okay?

We still have a lot of planets in Pisces, but with all the fire in the sky, I'm thinking if you don't bother Pisces, Pisces won't bother you!

Sunday - The Moon hits Virgo mid-day.  She's going to have to contend with planets in Sagittarius and Pisces that challenge her in a variety of ways. However, Jupiter is in Virgo, so if you can keep perspective, you should be just fine.

As an example of a fine perspective, we just had a great weekend. How bad can it be? But even if there's a story in your life that's not playing well (Jupiter), there is a good chance it changes when Jupiter turns direct.

One last thing to mention - this is The Year of Mercy.  Show mercy to others and to yourself as well. We all know these things come around.

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Have a great day,