What Do 3-D Printed Plums Have To Do With Love?

Published: Wed, 01/13/16

If you have Venus aspecting Saturn in your chart, odds are, you struggle with feeling worthy of love.  Saturn in the 7th house is similar.  Cancer and Capricorn rising tend to labor with this as well, as does Venus in Capricorn.

Venus Saturn type people actually make exceptional partners, especially if they can master their insecurities.

Part of the problem is the era we live in. Flash is king. The concept of building something strong, over time is degraded if it's even considered in the first place. However, this makes no sense.

I planted a plum tree this fall. I understand it may not bear fruit for three to five years. However, if all goes right, it should produce fruit for twenty or thirty years.

Do we have 3-D printed plums yet? I don't know.

I want a REAL plum, just like I want REAL love.

Venus is conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius right now. If you have these planets in aspect and you feel blocked from love, please consider making a small investment to educate yourself and consequently expand your perspective.

I created a workshop to help people who hassle with Venus Saturn problems. There is nothing like it anywhere in the world, internet or otherwise.  Astrologers, if they address Venus Saturn at all, tend to frame it as a curse. This is simply not true. If you read this transcript, you'll see I'm right.  So says this unlovable person who found love!

Check it out -  Finding Your True Love And Soulmate.​

Have a great day,