Tears Fall Onto Your Non-Harmonizing Scarf

Published: Wed, 02/17/16

Things continue to shift. It reminds me of one of those times when I'm looking for a scarf to pull my outfit together and nothing quite works.

I'll eventually settle on something and then see myself in the mirror and wonder what I was thinking. Back to the closet to try again or perhaps change my shirt or skirt.

Now here's the astrology...

Venus moves into Aquarius today, joining the Sun and Mercury in the sign. The Moon leaves fellow air sign Gemini for Cancer, depriving us of a match.

The Sun is about to leave Aquarius for Pisces, but it's not getting any help from anywhere. You may as well drop your wallet and no one tells you! Your wallet is not exactly dropped... up until the point you realize it.

Jupiter retrograde trines Pluto in Capricorn. There's potential there, but the dropped wallet and non-harmonizing scarf distract.

In the scene above, I am still at home when I realize my accessory is ridiculous. This allows me to change, but it doesn't always work that way and now you know why.

It's possible you dress and set out with the Moon in Gemini, light, airy and delightful. You wind up crying soupy tears when the Moon enters Cancer... and not even know about your wallet yet!

This is not meant to stress anyone out. It's meant to let you know you're not alone out there trying to juggle on shifting sand.  

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