Valentine's Day (Misery) Weekend?

Published: Fri, 02/12/16

It's Valentine's Day weekend.  With Venus in Leo ruling the heart, I like Valentine's Day. However, I know a lot of people do not. When I look at Friday's sky, I cringe.

For one thing, Venus is in Capricorn, the sign that represents "lack".  Worse, she squares the Moon in the independent sign of Aries, ramped up due to its conjunction with Uranus.

This sounds like one person wants independence while the other is insecure about their own lovability.  It's a disaster in the making. On top of this, Mars in Scorpio is squaring the Sun. Someone is going to be pissed off.

What's most difficult (and complicated) is that these are squares we're dealing with rather than oppositions.  The conflicts I've described may constellate between individuals, but chances are they exist inside the individual.

For example, a person might be pissed off at their own dependence. They may be jealous of another person's independence, though the person who enjoys freedom has done nothing wrong.

So I see a pile of crap here - sorry.  But on the upside, Valentine's Day itself looks much better.

Sunday, the Moon in Taurus will trine the stellium in Capricorn. Jupiter in Virgo pitches in to create a grand trine.

Basically, what starts out bad should end a lot better. Keep the faith!

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