Tactical Thinking, Bay-bee! My Specialty!

Published: Mon, 01/04/16

We kick off a stressful week with the Moon in Scorpio, the sign of its fall. I see this as a positive though, not just because I'm partial to the Scorpio Moon; she'll enjoy a lot of support, especially today.

Specifically, she's supported by Neptune in Pisces, the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter in Virgo. The phrase "got your back" comes to mind.

In fact, this would be a good phrase to keep in mind. As I warned you on Saturday, it's going to be hairy out there. So what you have here is some kind of mess to deal with... but some kind of grace as well.

Things like intuition (Moon Neptune)
Or a stable (Capricorn) mood (Moon)

We also have men and women getting along (Sun Moon trine). This should ease things today, but please don't forget the potential for danger and mental upset (Mars square Mercury) as you move through the day and interact with people.

Again, a simple piece of advice:  Consider trying to slow your reactions, especially your speech. Think twice before you say something. Count to ten and all that.

This is not so you can be a wimp. It's meant to be an effective strategy.

If you missed the post on tomorrow's Mercury retrograde...don't!

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Have a great day,