Blabbermouth (And I Mean That Nicely)

Published: Fri, 11/20/15

Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius today. People will tend to overshare... sort of.  Saturn is also in Sagittarius. This will cause people to check themselves.

When you think of how our society will crush a person for one wrong word, it makes sense to be cautious. However, a person speaking (Mercury) the truth (Sagittarius) may also find support (Saturn). The odds on this improve if your claims have a basis in truth!

For example, I can say that I have written 10,000 posts on astrology, and I can prove it. I can claim 15,000 for that matter. But if I've only written 200 posts and I try to inflate my accomplishment, I'm running a serious risk of being called out on this.

This is so embarrassing. There is no way the potential gain is worth the potential humiliation, so don't do it! Resist the urge to ratchet things up a notch or two or forty.  Humility is so attractive.

Last note - Venus and Mars are in Libra now. Being nice and minding your manners are in vogue!

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