Virgo Blast (Thank You)

Published: Wed, 11/04/15

Virgo energy will dominate over the next three days. With the Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter in the sign, for Godsakes, clean something.

Fix something.
Organize something.
Think a critical thought?

Criticism is one of those words with a bad reputation. It's right up there with words like manipulation (Scorpio) and control (Capricorn). But criticism is not inherently bad.  

Do you doubt this? 

Most writers credit their editor.  Most actors rely on their director to tease out their best performance and save them from making an ass of themselves.

If you really don't like Virgo work, this would be a good day to show your appreciation for the souls out there who do it for you - the people who work to help others or make them better than they'd be without the effort Virgo makes to pitch in. 

That means tip the waitress, the maid or the delivery person a little bit more than usual. Take the time to fill out a comment card for the person who gave you excellent service.

You can also support this newsletter, delivered free for about five years now, by shopping for your​ astrology reports, setting up a small monthly donation or making a one time payment - here.

Thanks and have a great day,