Sagittarius - The Gifted Child

Published: Mon, 10/05/15

Saturn in Sagittarius, from my perspective, is one great transit! I wrote about  High Flying People Coming Down To Earth.  It's the Libra in me that likes seeing things balance out.

Last Monday I wrote about gifted children on the day they meet curriculum that challenges them (Gifted Children & Stress).  Being a gal who started first grade a year early, reading on a 7th grade level, this is something I know about.

I insinuated that Sun in Sagittarius was a gifted child. I didn't think about it or anything. Typical gifted child behavior! Inflation. We just know!

But then I did think about it and the idea seems to have merit.  

Sagittarius is known for luck, confidence and the ability to land on its feet. If that's not a gift, I don't know what is. 

I realize there are humble, depressed Sagittarians out there. My own inflation comes via aspects from Jupiter. I have no planets in Sagittarius at all. But let's think about this...

The Sun represents your child-like energy. Jupiter is a gift. On some level, Sun in Sagittarius is bound to feel special in some way. And here comes the trigger word, okay? Entitled.

Before you send me scathing email, think about what I'm saying. It's hard to be gifted and not feel entitled to something special, regardless of how much you may want to deny it. Saturn's transit through Sagittarius will help balance things out.  This'll be easier on some than on others.

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