If You're Required To Show Up...

Published: Wed, 09/30/15

​We have a grand trine in earth today. Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto.​ This should allow most people to relax on some level. I would definitely take the break because it's not going to last.

Thursday evening, the Moon will leave Taurus for Gemini, giving us a grand cross in the mutable signs that will be sustained for the rest of the work week. We've also got the cardinal t-square to deal with. It's stressing relationships of all kinds.

I know it's tempting to read something like this and think it would be best to avoid people. If you can get away with this, I don't think it's a bad idea, but most of us can't.

So if you can't, if you have responsibilities that require you to show up regardless of the weather, then just commit to doing your level best not to cause other people problems. This is good for them, but it's good for you as well.

Another thing... Mercury is retrograde. So if you find yourself upset over a text message or something, try to give the person the benefit of the doubt as opposed to jumping to conclude the worst possible thing about them (or yourself).

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Have a great day, Elsa @ ElsaElsa.com