Dirty laundry, cruel life, insane slobs, Virgo - a force to be reckoned with

Published: Tue, 10/06/15

Sending again so soon because it's an eventful week. We have something happening each day between now and Friday. I'll send this cheat sheet now and cover the weekend on Friday.

Please be advised the energy described below will be in effect all week. I'm posting this stuff by the day just to show that I can be at least somewhat orderly!

Tuesday, the Sun squares Pluto.  The Sun is in Libra and guess what? No one is simply shiny (Sun) veneer (Libra).  We each cast a shadow, so if you're thinking of airing another person's dirty laundry, you may want to think twice.

Wednesday, Mars opposes Neptune.  This is another good reason to watch who and how you shoot. Because you're quite likely to catch your own bullet.

As an example, there was the mother talking crap about another mother's children. Some years later, her own children have now all spun out.  Life can be quite cruel. No sense making it worse for yourself (by making it worse for someone else).

Thursday, Venus enters Virgo, joining Mars and Jupiter in the sign. I don't want to hear about Venus in detriment. Venus is still Venus and if you're an insane slob, the person who comes over and helps you clean your house, most likely has Venus in Virgo. Matter of fact, if you don't like Venus in Virgo, maybe you're the picky one!

Friday, the Moon joins the stellium in Virgo. Virgo is now undeniably a force to be reckoned with.  On top of this, Virgo-ruler Mercury turns direct. See - Powerful Station

Due to the heavy Virgo energy, expect people to work efficiently this week.  Like I'm doing right now, knocking out the rest of the week with this one mail!

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Have a great day,