Controlling Others, To Control Yourself

Published: Mon, 09/07/15

We have a cardinal t-square today. The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn.  Mercury in Libra squares both.

The cardinal signs are always about control. They don't necessarily want to control you. Some cardinal people work to control themselves.

However, controlling you may be the only way they can control themselves.  This sounds bad, but I've done it.

From time to time someone comes on my blog and goes out of their way to agitate me. A troll, basically.

Initially I give people like this the benefit of that doubt. I try to maintain my composure, but when I realize the person has no intention of peacefully coexisting with me... well, I get pissed.

I want control of myself.  I want to direct and invest my energy in things that are constructive, so what I do is shut the person down.

Is it controlling? Yes. But it's also healthy and for the greater good.

You can also see it this way - if you can't control yourself, I guess you need someone to do it for you!

So that's what we're dealing with today... and also please note!

My Saturn in Sagittarius workshop begins on Thursday, September 10th. It's going to be a great workshop, on par with the other workshops I've done.  It's not too late to join!  Get details here: Real Education
