Have You Been Stress-Tested?

Published: Mon, 09/28/15

Today will challenge us one way or the other...

Mars, Saturn and Neptune for a t-square in the mutable signs.  Ideally a person would act (Mars) on faith (Neptune) to do the right thing (Saturn) under an aspect like this.  I'll be surprised if I see this.

More likely, people will feel unsure of what to do. Confused (Neptune) fear (Saturn) thwarting action (Mars). Self undoing.  Avoidance. "Let's not and say we did."

The reason I expect more negative than positive from this is because we've got a second t-square in the sky involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto.  Mercury retrograde no less. In the cardinal signs.

I realize that some people perform well under pressure. But many out there have never been stress-tested.  Basically, the heat gets hot and they melt. They're pushed and they collapse.

If you yourself have been stress-tested, now is the time to rise to the occasion.

Clearly, we need leaders. We need heroes! People who do more than stare at their phone in fascination.

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Have a great weekend,