Mental Disability Of Varying Severity

Published: Fri, 08/07/15

The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are all in Leo on Friday. 

Mercury will leave Leo for Virgo on Saturday. Mars will leave Cancer to take Mercury's place in Leo around the same time.

This emphasis on Leo will be maintained until Tuesday. That's when Jupiter leaves Leo for Virgo.

With Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo, the collective focus will begin to shift from Leo-ruled things like youth and play and creativity to brainstorming around problem-solving and getting the job done.  

The problem is the planets in the early degrees of Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces. Often that translates to "Let's not and say we did."  There is a yearning to escape the mundane. The dirty dishes will be there tomorrow, right?

Well they will if you ignore them!

The way around this is to channel Mother Theresa. Sacrifice and work tirelessly for spiritual, ethereal things beyond your own ego.

If you'll play it this way, you're likely to have divinely (Neptune) inspired ideas (Mercury). Otherwise you're looking at a mental disability of varying severity.

Last, I'm writing about this as if this challenge will be short-lived. That's not the case!  Saturn in Sagittarius will be squaring Neptune through 2016. I expect this to cause all kind of problems.  That's why I put together a workshop - How To Stay Stable As Reality Morphs And Structures Dissolve.

Have a great weekend,