Many Tools Of Self Destruction

Published: Wed, 08/05/15

I had a client ask a really good question. She wanted to know what themes I saw in her chart.
"Yours is the kind of chart where an inexperienced astrologer would show their bias. They would focus on one thing they either like or hate or something they know a lot about and deem it to be the most important. But your chart doesn't read like that. It's more like watching a juggler juggle." 
This gal had a 12th house Sun. She asked me about "self-undoing".  Could this be the core problem? I didn't think so.
While she'd certainly be capable of sacrificing herself, she had various other tools of self-destruction lying about.  Mars with Mercury.  Hard aspects from Saturn. Whatever.
Not everyone is like this. I'm not like this. I'm a simple person with a chart that's easy to read.
This made me think of the Natal Chart Report. If you buy a report and it's all over the place... if one thing seems to contradict the other, chances are, you're a fairly complex character. 
On the other hand, if certain concepts are reinforced, over and over, you're probably more like me. A simpler animal.
Understanding this tiny thing can change your perspective on everything, completely.  Check out your Natal Chart Report.
Have a great day!
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