Surprise Encounters - Heads up for Monday and Tuesday

Published: Sun, 08/30/15

Venus retrograde conjuncts Mars in Leo over the next few days. Retrograde Uranus in Aries trines the two planets. This describes a surprise encounter.

I hate to say this, but the encounter could be violent.  We're seeing this in the news, with police being shot out of the blue sky.

This could also be a surprise gift (Venus), like a surprise birthday party.

Whatever it is, it's bound to be fast and catch you dramatically (Leo) off guard.  The swings in the stock market are another example of how this is playing.

As for faring well with this, a quick reaction will be your best bet.  The Moon will be in Aries on Monday and Tuesday. Plodding just isn't the thing at this time!

I should also mention, Pluto in Capricorn will be inconjunct Venus and Mars. This is not a surface deal.  If you doubt this, just ask the survivors of people who have died suddenly over the last couple weeks.

Fast (Aries) and Permanent (Pluto in Capricorn).

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