It's Your Nose, On Your Face...

Published: Mon, 04/27/15

Monday's outlook is excellent. The Moon in Leo enjoys support from Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. This is a quintessential "sunny day" that will make it easy for most to overlook minor annoyances. 

Enjoy this period! Because Tuesday things get pickier and stickier as the Moon enters Virgo to clash with Saturn and Neptune.

To further complicate matters, Virgo-ruler Mercury is closing its opposition to Saturn at this point. This looks like contract problems to me, since that's what I am involved in. But in reality, communications of all kinds will be impacted.

To fare well, try to keep this in mind - people don't like to be controlled.  Mars is in Taurus. People will do their best to hold their temper, but I'd not underestimate the damage a stampeding bull can do.

And why should the bull behave when you're poking it, most likely due to your immaturity?

I don't mean to be preachy, but we're talking about Saturn here and boundaries matter. You push someone too far, they'll cut you off to teach a lesson, even if it means cutting off their nose to spite their face.

There's no need to be scared by this.  You're just likely to fare better if you exercise caution at this time.  When things are serious, people want to deal with a grown-up as opposed to your inner child. I need to remember this myself, all the time.

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Have a great day!