Hitting Up The High Points For The Rest Of The Week

Published: Wed, 04/15/15

Good morning! There are three aspects to cover between now and the end of the week. I'm going to hit them all up briefly. Friday's letter will cover the weekend.

Today, Venus in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius. Neptune in Pisces squares the two bodies.  A person may feel deprived and disillusioned in regards to their relationships, but there are many other ways this can play.

For example, my husband and I were humbled (Saturn) and nearly overwhelmed (Neptune) when we realized the weight of our relationship (Venus). Details - It's Not Just About Loneliness & Lack Of Love.

Secondly, Pluto turns retrograde on Friday. I was surprised when one of my clients told me that my take on this was frightening or upsetting. I see it as a totally normal process and thought I came up with a simple analogy to illustrate. You can judge for yourself - Reaming.

Saturday, we have a new moon in Aries. Here you can read about this overgrown baby and get some ideas for setting intentions - Effects Through The Houses.

Have a great day!