Bliss and Despair

Published: Tue, 06/30/15

My friend and cohort, Satori, had a fire blaze through her town a couple days ago. It burned her mother's house to the ground. To. The. Ground.

I wouldn't know what words to use to describe this kind of loss. I feel tight in the chest just to think of it.  However, I understand she's dealing with this well. And this situation perfectly reflects the sky out there.

Tomorrow, the Moon will be full in Capricorn.  It's serious. It's heavy. It's angry.

But simultaneously, Venus is conjunct Jupiter, exact.

My friend's mother is insured. She'd taken the time to photograph her property. In short, her assets (Venus) are protected (Jupiter).

There is definitely a loss.  There's also an opportunity. Won't she have fun, shopping for all her new stuff?

This extraordinary theme applies to all of us. We get to decide which thing we focus on.

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