Buzz Kill? Or Progress?

Published: Wed, 12/10/14

Venus leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn today. Some will see this as a buzz kill. You're flying high and then you hit a wall. But that's not really how life and astrology works. 
When a planet leaves one sign for the next, it's a progression. We're not falling back, we're moving forward. 
When a planet leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn, it's time to ground our vision in the real world. How can that be bad? 
I'll give you an example. 
I'm getting ready to move my family across the country. We've waited a long time to do this. I want to find a comfortable house where my husband and I can retire and entertain. We've both worked since we were teenagers, lived modestly and in the end, this house and each other are what we'll have for the rest of our lives. 
So that's the vision (Sagittarius). But guess what? I lack (Capricorn) skills to make this happen. I never did learn to design and decorate a space, so I'll be calling on friends for help with this. Can you see the shift here? 
You probably have a vision for your life too. What do you have to do to make it real?

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Have a great day!