The Mars Pluto opposition has people at odds... and getting cut off / hardcore, rejected in some cases. It's harsh, but some think it's life or death, and it may be. I'm talking about the wealthy man, who was just diagnosed with dementia, saying he would like to kill someone, before he dies, to see what it's
like. Yeah.
The Mercury Uranus opposition has a different group people at odds. Some poor souls are getting hit by both aspects. Yeah, to that as well.
On a lighter note, a gal ordered Personality scores for her Progressed chart. This prompted me to look at mine. It was like, BAM!
My scores have changed dramatically, in many cases. This give life a whole new angle.
Evidence suggests, while I liked to travel A LOT when I was young, this is no longer the case. I feel set upon, yes? Oh no! My life is not fun like it was. It's depressing!
But in reality, I've become a
different person. One who is less interested in travel! This is interesting to think about it as it explains a lot. Maybe that person you married has changed!
This is also important: Changes to my newsletter. I just got this news today, so I've not got things settled yet, but I have a