The new moon in Sagittarius will take place overnight. It's not like Sagittarius to fly under wire, but this thing has sneaked up on me; maybe you as well.
This fits with the vibe of it, as I described here: Slice Of Life. Broadly speaking, it feels as if spirits are dampened. There's cause for this, in my opinion.
There was a
phrase used when I younger: "opportunities abound". It was true at the time but I no longer think it is. I hope it will be again! But as of now, if you want to make something happen, you've got to focus and put an effort in. Saturn squaring this new moon suggests, luck alone, is not enough.
I also feel the Mars Pluto opposition has a good number of people, seething. They may have cause, but it's
seen me back away. I'm not a mosh pit type person, nor do I care to perform as a Gladiator in the Roman Coliseum! Can I just say, absolutely not?
On the other end, I've noticed a good number of people, going out of their way to be kind, thoughtful, and caring. If this is you and you wonder if people notice, they do!