Pressure and frustration are building. Mind your person level of disgruntlement today. It's because the moon in Libra forms a T-square with Venus in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries today. Tomorrow, the moon will
clash with Chiron and Pluto.
Pluto is lit up by Mars. If you let pressure build today, you raise the odds of an explosion tomorrow. Never mind, the moon will be in Scorpio for Thanksgiving... squaring
Mars and Pluto. I'm not kidding. If at all possible, chill!!!
We've also got Mercury retrograde, frustrating travel. Mercury is squaring Neptune in Pisces. Oops! Dropped my brain.
"When God was handing out brains i thought he said trains... and I said, give me a slow one! It's that kind of day.
In spite of all this, "higher ground" is right there to be had. I don't know why "being the bigger person" has fallen out of favor, especially in situations where you have no way to win!
Last, note that Mercury is also opposing Jupiter, making it difficult for anyone to keep quiet. People want to speak their mind!
That's cool, but let's not set off WW3!
Zen, zen,
This is on Sunday: New Moon in Sagittarius Presents, “A Slice Of Life”
This is next Friday: Mars Retrograde In Leo – Slick Turning Point
Update on my newsletter problems, I did nab a Black Friday deal on another carrier. Hooray! Unfortunately, I have to switch with Mercury retrograde. I'll do my best to mitigate problems.