Mutable T-square, sun Uranus opposition, Mars Pluto opposition. So much for leisure! People are wrapped up right now, one way or the other. But Saturn is direct now; it's a turning point for sure.
To take advantage of this shift, you want
to work on definition... defining goals, for example. As of now, you can and should begin to progress. It doesn't have to be fast, but at least come to terms with the idea, you will need to move. Orient yourself in the right direction.
At this stage, this can be as simple as putting down the shovel you've been using to dig the hole, you want to get out of. A simple, graceful act that changes
Self-flagellation is best avoided, from what I can see. But it is time to get going on what..? On doing the right thing. Doing the thing you know you need to do. Simple and humble works wonders. A real apology, and don't forget to forgive yourself!
Saturn is about achievement too. What do you want to manifest in this
world, right now. Because the energy is right now. You've a lot to work with.