Everyone seems to be starring in their own drama right now. Some movies are better than others!
It's undeniably complex out there. Rush, wait, feel, detach, face it, avoid. I want to break this down.
Mars Uranus is about free will and acting independently. The aspect to Mercury in Leo, adds creative thinking. It may be harsh in ways, but I see a lot of potential here.
Mars Uranus adds value to Mercury so long as you don't go all HOT HEAD MANIAC. Use the Pisces energy to avoid that. You're looking for fresh, brilliant
Secondly, the sun, Chiron, Pluto T-square can not be ignored. "Control" is a thing right now. Please note, it will be hard to act independently, if you relinquish control. You're best off to use ALL the energy. Take responsibility and drive towards your goal, innovating as needed.
This is doable, even if you don't
want to do it. You see it's all in your hands...whether you like it or not.