The Mars Uranus conjunction is fully up and running. Case in point, a family member went to the hospital in pain, yesterday. It turned out to be a kidney stone, but here's the shocking (Uranus) part: the man in his 60's learned the affected kidney is the only kidney he has! The other is malformed; he had no
earthly idea!
That's an example of something entirely unexpected, outside an individual's control. But what about things you can control?
Uranus disrupts things. I keep saying this can be good thing. I thought it might help to explain.
These are very important
posts about spoiling or interfering in a set system:
It's about not letting bad things, stand! Or if you're headed somewhere awful - change up!
It's also about surprise and freedom. You do not have to behave
(act) as people expect.
This letter is focused on Mars Uranus alone, because it's so important. Please note, the kidney story is textbook. Advance fear and worry, would not have changed a thing.
On the other hand, you can readily break out of Fixed patterns right now. Experiment!
And have some fun while you're at it. In this climate, that would be an act (Mars) of rebellion (Uranus). Perfect!