We're picking up the pace, can you feel it? I chock this up to the sun and Pluto in Aquarius, squaring Jupiter as we head towards the Black Comedy full moon in Leo.
How about, Friday? That's when Uranus in Taurus turns direct, while arguing with the Leo moon.
It sounds like a sitcom. Really, the whole week is freaky and my personal
Venus in Leo is getting high on this. It also occurs to me, people with Uranus in Leo might get a hit off this - why not?
Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo... are you Aquarians getting pissed yet? No problem, I have you covered.
My site is still not right, but when it's up, you can't tell. Saturn in Pisces, invisible problem! I mention this because while we're soaking at the moment, you may see the site go through another spin cycle!
We're stable enough to run Astro Fairy's post. If you need a
consultation and you're short of funds, it's Astro Fairy Day!