The sun Mars conjunction in Scorpio was exact last night but the pair will continue to work in tandem for the rest of the month. The bodies will conjoin in Sagittarius by Friday. They'll also be featured prominently, under the full moon in Gemini, the following Monday, the 27th.
Ego-fueled rages may be a thing.
Me! Me! Me!
But courageous action is also a possibility.
One the problems we're having with Saturn in Pisces - it's hard to define a
goal! This makes it more difficult to channel this energy productively, but it can be done.
As an example, my current goal is not to harm anyone at all. I'm endeavoring to not be mean to anyone or cause anyone any pain at all, if I can possibly avoid it. I'm doing this because there is so much suffering out there of every type imaginable.
This a HUGE, vague goal with no true edges. That's Saturn in Pisces. Mars represents the heart-fueled (Sun) effort I make to manage this.
Also consider the sun is concerned with your "vocation". Directing this energy into pursuing your vocation, is another possibility.
I'm baking for the
holiday right now. Something like this can also be creative action, especially if you set this intention.