Saturn has turned direct. If you're waiting on clarity, it could emerge at any time. The planet is unaspected at the moment. The shift may feel like a vague happening out in the distance.
This is particularly true with the distractions at hand. I'm talking
about the Scorpio stellium opposing Jupiter and Uranus. The moon in Leo will fill in to create a Fixed T-square this weekend. Mars is part of it so you know. FIGHT!
The Grand Trine in Earth has returned. Venus in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. Neptune in Pisces comes into create a kite.
Neptune continues to
support Uranus and Pluto. Similar configurations have kept us afloat in some way, for months. I have to think this will continue so really you're probably just dealing with aggravation today.
I guess I will try not to be aggravating but I'm not at all sure this goal is achievable as Mars in Scorpio is poking my Venus in Leo like a hot stick. Ooh baby, if I blow...