I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! The moon in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces and Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius at the moment. If you woke up, swirling or feeling overwhelmed and avoidant or escapist, I don't think it will last.
As you can
see by the graphic the moon is active today. Keep in mind, Saturn in Pisces will support the moon in Cancer. Jupiter in Taurus also steps into to assist the moon as she escapes Mars and Neptune. Consequently, the collective mood should become more grounded and optimistic as we move through the day. Looks like we made it!
As for what remains, Mars is still conjunct retrograde Mercury and tightly
square Neptune. We continue to swirl in a sea of deceptive information. Lots of promises, but just try to collect!
Looking ahead, Venus will leave Scorpio for Sagittarius on Friday. Saturday, Jupiter will turn direct @ 5 Taurus. At that point, we'll be headed towards the Jupiter Uranus conjunction which I feel is significant. Notes on this here.
For people who note patterns, this is the last day of the year.