Today we adapt to Mercury having entered Scorpio, chasing Mars in the sign. The conjunction will be exact on the the 29th, but the energy is fully active. You can feel it and you can read it in the news.
The moon in Aquarius is squaring Mercury and Mars today. I
often advise people to be the one who holds the knife.
You may be adverse to this, I know I am. But there comes a point where getting cut to ribbons grows tiresome.
To put this in plain terms, if you're getting hammered right now, consider what action you can take to improve your situation as the current tension
will be sustained and there are people out there who are not good.
Mercury and Mars in Libra, waffles. I know, because these are my natal positions. Scorpio will CUT you.
If you don't like this, you can avoid poking bears. Libra thinks this is fair. This is the current climate. .
We also have Venus in Virgo is trining Jupiter in Taurus. This denotes a sort of practical generosity. Real world stuff.
You can see how the post develops and then someone comes in to put a little turd, right in the middle of
all the inspired generosity. I cut that guy and I'd do it again.
It's because we're looking at a possible world war and I hate strife. I really do. I DO NOT feed on it.
Therefore, my intention is to use the Scorpio energy in Eagle fashion, working to make sure people have a place to come, to interact with real people, for good ideas,
diversion and entertainment but also so they can give and receive support and hopefully, healing.
If I factor out all the BS, this reflects my true self as a person. I don't really buy, hating the other guy, as I'm constantly instructed to do. But this does not mean I won't defend myself because I absolutely will.
I know it's a choppy week
ahead and intend to break it down. I just had to get this out of the way, first.
I also got this up today: Scorpio Style Metaphysics. I am not sure if
anyone or everyone understands, but it seems a good day to write it. Quirky power. Power (Scorpio) of detaching (Aquarius).