You're looking at tomorrow morning's T-square in the Fixed signs. I see the Moon, Venus and Mars, representing personal functions, aspected by Jupiter and Pluto. The energy seems easily accessible, especially if you take charge of your situation.
talking about, Mars. Mars in a Fire sign. Mars in Leo which rules creativity.
I don't think this is necessarily obvious: I feel one of the things dogging people at this time is that they've stopped living and creating. These Leo-ruled functions, are farmed out. We consume the creative product of others or we watch people do things rather than doing them ourselves. We do this from the
sidelines, as our innate gifts and talents degrade.
This sky can be seen in many ways. Disaster, right? And we may have one. But the energy is undeniable and if you leave it lie there, with no push at all on your end, you waste a Jupiter-ruled opportunity.
What I see is enough (fire) power to transform your own future (Jupiter).
Courage is key; and luck is a factor.
Be willing to make cuts, but guess what? That doesn't necessarily mean you cut the shadow person from your life and everything is okay. Pluto is opposing Venus and Mars. It's very easy to project. Chance are high, the bs that needs to go is your own.
What's the truth
here? Seems a good question ask before you put it in gear.
Sending this now so you have a chance to mull this before tomorrow's pressure forces action... which can be loving (Venus) and generous (Jupiter) if you choose.