Mercury in Taurus in now squaring Saturn in Aquarius. Granted, it could be a lot worse but many feel pressured. This is exacerbated by Uranus in Taurus exerting a different kind of pull on Mercury.
Gemini and Virgo will catch the brunt of this, though the Fixed signs are also affected. Say what you want, I mean, better not say what you want!
If you say that, the sky will fall. Many bad, sad and scary things will happen.
It's fear, isn't it? You're supposed to face your fears, I think. So they don't rule you?
But there is another perspective. You are responsible for what you say!
I ran into this conflict over the weekend, under the Scorpio moon. Makes sense. It triggered this garbage - I'm too lazy to think of a better word! I wrote a blog post about it and debated with myself others. In the end, I posted a funny but very troublesome story that I wrote back in 2002.
I think most people who get this letter know I wrote a book, but I'm not sure. I had it on Amazon for a number of years but took it down a few years back; when I was under a lot of pressure. I just didn't want to worry about it. It was far more polished that what I finished posting today which doesn't really matter. I guess I'm saying, I can write better than this, but this is also subjective.
Many feel if you start reading something and you can't stop - that's good writing? If you're like this, you will probably like my story quite a bit but it comes with a WARNING LABEL.
It is raw story, with raw dialogue. Depending on who you are, you may have never heard swearing of this type. If it bothers you, please don't click because you will be beyond merely horrified.
On the other hand, if you have interest in psychology, trauma, keen and uncensored insights of all kinds; you probably can't click fast enough. Also, people who are interested in me and how I got this way!
The story is true. Every word of it is not only true, it's transcribed with no errors or omissions. I guess I figured I should quit complaining about all the lying liars out there and do something about it. Post something real and platitude-free. The astrology in it is also pretty cool (and unvarnished).