I remind you that all planets have been direct since February 3rd. Generally, people like to move unimpeded but this is only the case if you like where you're headed. Many aren't!
So we're running but we also seem to be running in place. We're not getting far because the planets remain supremely bunched up. See - All Planets Direct -
On this level, the Pluto-flavored full moon may bring some relief to claustrophobic types (like me) as the sun moon opposition opens things up a bit. It allows you look at something from the opposite perspective as it simultaneously illuminates the scene. You may sense this and be unnerved.
I think this is because many of us have repressed our emotions. I know I have. Now these emotions are now threaten to explode.
If you feel this way today, you might begin to gradually release pressure. Responding to the pressure to release pressure may be the thing that ultimately heals.