Note how crammed together all the planets are and consider your life at this time. Chances are you're restricted to a small space in some way.
You may or may not like it, depending on your nature and the houses emphasized in your natal chart. Either way, this illustrates that the squeeze is intensifying.
I don't like this. Natally, my chart focuses on the 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. It's all about interaction with others. Intercourse. Cross-pollination. Healing. Learning and teaching. This cluster falls primarily in my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd houses: precisely opposite my comfort zone and my areas of interest.
For example, I am to be less co-dependent? Nooooooooo!
Less passion - more practicality?
Network beneath the radar? Nooooooooo!
If you feel you're failing, this may be why. It's hard to get from here ---> there when the road is closed.
We're going to deal with this for roughly half of every year into 2026. This makes it worth fathoming!